Notice is hereby given that the 2023 AIFST Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on THURSDAY 25 May 2023 commencing at 5:30pm (AEST).
The AGM is open to all financial members of AIFST.
The AIFST will provide 2 options for attending the 2023 AIFST AGM, via a Zoom webinar or in person.
Location: AEGIC 1 Rivett Rd North Ryde NSW
There will be tea and coffee on arrival from 5.00pm and an opportunity to network with fellow members after the event.
Members entitled to vote can do so in either one of three ways:
Before the AGM:
Nominate your vote on the Direct Voting Form and send to AIFST by 5.00pm (AEST) Monday May 22; or
Appointing a proxy to vote on your behalf on the Direct Voting Form and send to AIFST by 5.00pm (AEST) Monday May 22; or
The ‘Direct Voting” form, along with the AGM documentation is available on the AIFST website: https://www.aifst.asn.au/AIFST-2023-AGM
At the AGM:
3. Vote at the AGM in person or virtually at the AGM on 25 May 2023:
a) Members will be able to vote in person by competing the voting paper that will be provided on arrival at the AGM venue.
b) Members will be able to vote via the virtual Zoom platform using the “chat” function in zoom by sending a private chat message to Fiona Fleming, the Company Secretary.
Register to attend the AGM by clicking on the REGISTER button or by emailing aifst@aifst.com.au by 5pm (AEST) on Tuesday May 23.
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