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Australian Food Safety Auditor Development Project

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Australian Food Safety Auditor Development Project

AIFST has commenced a project to create a pathway which encourages and develops food safety auditing as a career of choice for food industry professionals in Australia.  AIFST has engaged Bill McBride as the consultant project manager, guided by a Steering Committee comprising AUS-MEAT, BSI, Coles, Intertek SAI Global, LRQA, McDonald’s, Rulethirteen, Sanitarium and SGS.

Work has already started on the three-phase project:

Phase 1: Education - encourage and support food science/technology universities and/or VET sector to incorporate food safety auditing into their curricula. Educational outcomes will be aligned with, and recognized by, international food safety auditor knowledge requirements and will incorporate emerging techniques and technology.

Phase 2: Internship - develop a program with industry stakeholders to provide practical industry experience to food science/technology professionals seeking an auditing career, and those seeking experience in additional industry sectors. Interns to be actively engaged with industry hosts in positions with food safety accountability.

Phase 3: Promotion - with the co-operation of industry stakeholders and marketing professionals, design an on-line promotional campaign to encourage young technical professionals into food safety auditing as a career option.

AIFST invites anyone involved in the Australian food safety certification industry to contribute to this important project in one of three ways: 

1.      The project is under the direction of the Steering Committee (SC).  Each SC member has committed financially and personally to this project.  We are still seeking additional SC members, particularly from businesses across all food sector categories.

2.      There are opportunities for food businesses, audit services providers, and associated organisations to participate in expert sub-groups considering the various phases of the project – tertiary education provider, private training providers, industry stakeholders, certification bodies, etc.

3.      We also want to hear the comments and opinions of individual auditors, auditees, or persons otherwise involved in food safety certification who have thoughts or recommendations on how to move the food safety auditing profession forward in this country.

This project is being conducted by the food safety certification industry for the benefit of the industry.  If you are involved in food safety certification and wish to participate or have thoughts on how to move the food safety auditing profession forward in this country, please contact AIFST at

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