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Adam Suckling

Wild-Built Consulting


PO Box 899 Bulimba QLD 4171

We're a strategy consultancy that centres sustainability as a strategic imperative and anchors it with purpose. We guide our clients towards building a business - a legacy even - that will outlast 'business as usual'.

What we can help you with:
• Business Strategy
• ESG Reporting
• ESG Strategy
• Innovation Strategy
• New Product Development
• Climate Literacy
• Scenario Planning

Dr. Ajay Shah - FAIFST
AAS Food Technology Pty Ltd
+61 401 253 446
26 Glenview Rd, Doncaster East VIC 3109

AAS Food Technology Pty Ltd was established in 2000. Dr Ajay Shah (Principal Consultant) from AAS Food Technology has undertaken consultancy projects for a large number of organisations within Australia, New Zealand and the UK. Dr Shah is a qualified food scientist and food technologist from the UK and specialises in the following areas:

    • Formulations and New Product Development
    • Process Development and Improvements
    • Quality Assurance
    • Food Safety and Auditing
    • Food Preservation and Packaging Development
    • Shelf Life Evaluation
    • Food Ingredient Labelling & Nutritional Panel Compliance
    • Technical Support & Regulatory Advice
    • Food Analytical Advice
    • Implementation and Management of HACCP Based Quality Systems
    • Occupational Health & Safety
    • Organic Certification Support
    • Staff Training and Workplace Assessments
    • Extrusion Technology.

    Dr Shah has lectured in the field of Food Science and Technology to university students in Australia, UK and New Zealand. In addition, he has reviewed Food Science and Technology books for the Australian Institute of Food Science & Technology as well as the Institute of Food Science &Technology (UK). Dr Shah has shared his expertise by presenting technical seminars at International conferences.

    Andreas Klieber - MAIFST
    Quality Associates, QA Partners, QA Training
    +61 438 356 394
    285 Lennox Street Richmond VIC 3121

    Quality Associates are your expert food safety and quality partners, with the principal consultants having 50+ years’ experience in agri-food and FMCG companies as well as grocery retailers domestically and internationally.
    Our team ranges from food technologists, microbiologist, nutritionist and consumer scientists, accredited auditors, quality inspectors, specification and labelling experts, quality professionals and trainers.
    We offer you a one-stop shop with our services including food safety consulting and quality systems management, regulatory and label compliance, specifications management, product testing, recall management, gap audits, quality inspections and training (RTO 41341).

    Call us about our consulting and outsourcing options. We’d love to hear from you.

    Andrew Scholz

    Food Processing Specialists Pty Ltd

    +61 427 831 321

    39 First Street, Brompton, SA, 5007

    Andrew has over 35 years of knowledge in the Food Industry and having worked as a consultant for over 18 years in a broad range of sites – nationally and internationally. Food Processing Specialists was established in 2009 where Andrew assists clients and provides quality solutions using the following skills: 

      • A proven track record of high concern for quality – doing things right.
      • A high level of analytical thinking and problem-solving skills
      • An established record of delivering results to a broad client base
      • Highly regarded as a third-party auditor and advisor to sign-off on new installations and commissioning projects.
      • Process Authority for DAFF, NZ MPI, and US FDA
      • An exceptional ability to assess and manage priorities to ensure timely delivery of outcomes. 

    Our team at Food Processing Specialists specialise in: 

        • Product development from concept to commercialisation utilising FPS pilot plant with a retort
        • Factory design and layout Production,
        • Factory trials- specialises in meat, seafood, vegetables, ready meals, baby food and beverages
        • QA and Food Safety Systems
        • Thermal Processing Validation, retorting and process control
        • Training online and in FPS pilot plant including Retort Supervisors and Process Control Course and        Approved Person Course
        • Packaging advise and supply 
        • Short run and high-end contract manufacturing
        • Contract manufacturing brand management including little tin cans, ready meals tray line, pouch line & thermo form line achieving extended shelf life chilled
        • Shelf life evaluation

      Anthony Perriam - MAIFST
      Perriam and Associates
      (02) 4757 2638
      P.O. Box 196, Wentworth Falls NSW 2782

        • Advice on compliance with ANZ food standards code, ACCC, food labelling and trade measurement.
        • Advice on product and process development
        • Advice on product claims

      Atul Dhanvate

      Australian Food Safety Inspection Company / Micropoint Laboratories


      +61 433 853 297

      PO Box 320 Sydney Markets, Flemington NSW 2129

      We provide the methods and tools for food safety & quality management for our clients and ensure that the food meets foreign and domestic regulatory requirements. Based in Australia, we provide services to clients worldwide, with current and active operations in India, Fiji, Vietnam and China.

      We offer an extensive range of services, specific to your needs.

      Each individual site is assessed and then we find solutions and plans that suit your company or operations.

      Some of our many services include:

        • Consultancy, Certification (food safety & quality).
        • Confidential Internal Food Safety Audits & Vendor Quality assurance.
        • Illness Complaint Investigations.
        • Food Safety Plan Development and implementations (H.A.C.C.P, SQF, BRC, ISO, FSC, Export arrangements, On-farm (Global GAP, Freshcare) & retailer requirements (including CFMSR (Coles), WSE (Woolworths), Aldi, Costco, McDonalds, Yum!, Subway as examples)
        • Customized Seminars

      Our Training includes Training to suit your business needs. RTO accredited courses and tailor-made on-site training

        • Managing H.A.C.C.P. (Principles & Applications)
        • Internal Auditor
        • Allergen awareness
        • Labelling laws and how they affect you.
        • Understanding food Microbiology (Good, Bad & the Ugly)

      Bernard Parker - FAIFST
      ParkerFood Pty Ltd
      +61 413 747 873

      P.O. Box 182, Noosaville QLD 4566 

      Your benefit; 40 plus years practical & global food industry experience, at Managing Director level since 1987.

        • Food Business Planning & Development, site development
        • New Products; development & ingredient sourcing
        • Manufacturing processes; food and Bio extraction “scale ups” from small to large
        • Extensive application knowledge of ingredients, many foods and baked products
        • Staff development in R&D, Manufacturing, generational change

      Cheryl Hughes- FAIFST

      Facts on Food

      041 373 4774

      PO Box 262, Wembley, WA 6913


      Facts on Food is food technology business located in WA.  With over 25 years experience in food safety and food technology, Facts on Food provides food safety and technical advice and support across all areas of the agri-food and food service industries (including hospitals);

        • Development, implementation, update & management of food safety programs to meet industry and regulatory standards, eg SQF, BRC, ISO22000, Freshcare, HARPS, Vendor Standards (Woolworths, Aldi, Coles, etc)
        • Export arrangement systems
        • Labelling reviews
        • In-house training
        • Internal audits & external audit preparation
        • GMP audits
        • Provision of food safety & technical advice, eg allergen management, process validation, shelf life, recall, etc 
        • Contract Food Safety Auditor Exemplar #12336

      Chris Woodbridge

      Chris Woodbridge Food Consulting

      +61 408 880 387

      1C Monica Ave, Bonbeach, VIC 3196

      Skilled Management and Delivery of:-

        • Process & Product Improvement
        • New Product Design and Development
        • Hygienic Design of Facilities and Equipment for High Care / High Risk Environments
        • Food Safety systems (HACCP / VACCP / TACCP)
        • Business Continuity, Recall and Crisis Management
        • Quality Strategy Creation and Enrolment
        • Waste Reduction & Sustainability in Manufacturing
        • Coaching / Mentoring Technical and Quality Personnel to improve their business impact

      Clare Winkel

      Integrity Compliance Solutions (ICS)

      +61 7 3390 5729

      Unit 1A, 20 Rivergate Place, Murarrie QLD 4172

      Integrity Compliance Solutions (ICS) is a global provider of integrity solutions; technical assistance, training and consulting to the food and allied industries. Our leading solutions include Horizonscan, the Intact Platform, online compliance courses and toolkits.

      We specialise in food safety, food fraud, traceability and food threat management.  Our technical experts are well positioned to provide on-site or virtual technical support. 

      Clare Winkel is a registered working GFSI auditor (SQF & BRC) and ATP (trainer) who has worked in 14 countries and presents regularly at SQF and BRC annual international conferences.  

      Areas of specialty include:

        • review and development of food safety programs
        • raw material fraud & safety risk assessments
        • development of industry specific standards with tailored training programs for industry and auditors
        • desk-top audits against all GFSI, retailer & fast food chain standards
        • HACCP documentation development, auditing and training
        • Risk assessment in the areas of food safety, allergens, food fraud and site security
        • SQF food safety & quality, packaging manufacturer and storage and distribution
        • BRC Global Standard Food/ Storage and Distribution/Agents and Brokers/Packaging  
        • Social and ethical sourcing stds compliance and supply chain review
        • Supply chain review in the areas of product traceability, cargo theft and food fraud
        • Training in the areas of HACCP (registered competencies), VACCP, TACCP, Food Safety Culture, Labelling compliance, VITAL 3, Quality Management, Internal auditing and external 5-day lead auditor (BRCGS)

      ICS offers you practical and professional solutions to source and provide safe food globally with #integrity, #trust and #transparency!    


      Craig Coleby - MAIFST
      Coleby Process Consulting Pty Ltd
      +61 401 700 018
      C/- Binda LPO, Binda, NSW, 2583

      With over 30 years’ experience working on the factory floor and global management roles, Craig knows the kinds of problems and pressures that your manufacturing business is facing and loves using his experience to help clients come up with practical and effective processes that achieve business goals.

      We deliver tailored solutions for process improvement, capacity increase, quality improvement and manufacturing cost reduction, including:

        • Production Control
        • Process Development
        • System Development and Certification
        • Process Design, including equipment sizing and selection
        • Plant Commissioning.

      Courtney Stewart

      NPR Consulting

      Brisbane, QLD 4000

      Ph: 0422 395 883

      Dr Courtney Stewart is a Registered Nutritionist with a PhD in public health nutrition and an evidence-based nutrition consultant for food industry.

      At NPR Consulting, we specialise in:

      - Food and nutrition research: Including developing healthcare professional resources, white papers, scoping and systematic reviews, meta analyses and Schedule 6 reports.

      - Nutrition education: Including speaking engagements, webinars, university lectures and media work.

      - Nutrition policy advice: Including researching, assessing and compiling information prior to policy submissions and responding to policies on behalf of companies.

      Darek Kosla
      Maxi Quest Pty Ltd
      Castle Hill, Sydney
      NSW 2154

      0421 612 308


      In excess of 150 successfully delivered projects, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.  

      25 years of experience in the beverage industry with Lion Nathan, The Coca-Cola Company, P&N Beverages, Tru Blu Beverages, Refresco Australia.  Extensive professional network in the beverage industry and supply chain.  

      Expertise in Beverage Technologies; Technical & Quality; Product Development; Domestic and Overseas Co-Manufacturing Outsourcing; Regulatory Compliance; Technical Risk Assessments; Supply Chain and Materials Sourcing; Business Upscaling; Marketing Claims; B2B Sales, and others.

      Dennis Forte - MAIFST
      Dennis Forte & Associate
      +61 416 261 726
      P.O. Box 8179, Wodonga VIC 3690

      A chemical engineering graduate of the RMIT, Dennis Forte spent ten years with the MARS Corporation. During this time he was involved in both process and product development roles within the areas of Confectionery, Canned Pet Food and Dry Pet Food Extrusion Technologies.

      He then spent five years with The Uncle Tobys' Company as the Process Engineering Manager, where he was actively involved in the quantification and optimization of the various unit operations employed in the manufacture of Ready – To – Eat Breakfast Cereals and Snacks.

      Key areas of expertise include:

        • Extrusion processing
        • Process modelling
        • Process optimisation 
        • Drying technology
        • Provision of consultancy
        • Technical support
        • Design expertise
        • Training

      Dijana Green 

      Elevating Food Safety Pty Ltd

      0401 700 391

      Level 57 MLC Centre Martin Place, Sydney, NSW, 2000 

      Elevating Food Safety Pty Ltd are your trusted and qualified Quality & Food Safety Systems Consultants, Process Improvement, Recruitment and Boutique Training Partners.

      Elevating Food Safety Pty Ltd are Australia’s leading food safety experts. We work with small to medium businesses, multi-national companies, food service, warehousing and quick service restaurants. We can assist you with your day to day needs or business projects.

      We work nationally and internationaly, prodominantly in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Malaysia and throughout Asia.

      We can asisst you with anything technical from implementing HACCP programs to streamlining or consolidating food safety management systems. We deliver on site business specific training programs such as HACCP, internal auditor, VACCP /TACCP and food safety culture sessions, asisst with recruiting industry professionals and conducting internal gap audits. We work with all quality management systems such as BRC, SQF, FSSC 22000, HACCP, WQA, CFMSR, Animal Welfare and Organic to name a few.

      Basically, we can assist you with anything you need to maintain your quality mangement system, drive continuous improvement or gain new customers.

      Edward McCartney 

      Food Safety Plus Pty Ltd

      (08) 9305 0212

      P.O Box 656, South Perth WA 6951

      Food Safety Plus is a leading national food safety training, consulting and HACCP certification provider. We provide effective and practical food safety solutions to all sectors of the agrifood industry.

      We offer excellent customer service and are:

      1. Accredited: Food Safety Plus is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO: 52439) and is certified to issue Exemplar Global Certificates of Attainment for food safety / HACCP, quality ISO 9001, and auditor training. This means internationally recognised, permanent, portable qualifications that can be used for life

      2. Service focused: We take into account your objectives and resources to provide innovative, cost-effective solutions. We specialise in on-site customised training and consultation to offer greater returns on your investment.

      3. Understanding: We are friendly and approachable. We listen. We work to develop an ongoing relationship with our clients, with services provided on an agreed schedule that best meets your needs.

      4. Expertise: Food Safety Plus provides the expert knowledge and experience to ensure your goals are efficiently and effectively achieved, and that your systems support your business.

      Visit for information and assistance.

      Gary Kennedy - FAIFST
      Correct Food Systems
      1300 730 611
      Suite 203/401 Elizabeth St, Surry Hills NSW 2010

      Your partner in Food Safety Compliance: Professional, Responsive, Specialist, Cost effective.

      Correct Food Systems provides food safety technical advice to help your business meet its food compliance, certification and business development requirements.

      Respected and well established, with a cost-effective, practical approach, our national team of food safety professionals will work with you, on your operational business requirements.

      As one of Australia's leading independent food safety consultancy businesses, we offer a range of food technology and food auditing services, to all sectors of the agri-food industry, across Australia. 

        • HACCP food safety plans and certification
        • Import and export arrangements
        • Development and updates to Food Safety and Quality Management systems to meet regulatory and GFSI/vendor standards, for example, SQF, ISO22000, Metcash, Australasian Bottled Water Association (ABWI).
        • Labelling reviews
        • Training to suit your business needs. RTO accredited courses and tailor-made on-site training
        • Specialist technical consultancy advice as you require; allergen management, VACCP, recall, labelling, process controls etc.

      Gillian Van Someren-Hurley - MAIFST
      Safe Food Australia Pty Ltd.
      +61 302 377 664
      P.O box 84 Springwood NSW 2777

      Safe Food Australia has been established since 2000 and has built a reputation based on quality audits and fair pricing. We provide excellent customer service and offer general food safety advice where required.

      We provide a range of services to a variety of businesses including aged care, private hospitals, food wholesalers and manufacturers, seafood industry, dairy farms, and stock feed mills throughout Australia.

        • Regulatory audits
        • Written advice for food safety program accreditation (QLD)
        • Internal audits
        • FeedSafe audits
        • Food safety training tailored to suit your business
        • HACCP certification
        • Consultancy

      Dr Ian Jenson

      FIRST Management Pty Ltd

      ABN 15 658 954 333

      +61 401 899 510

      PO Box 2523, North Parramatta NSW 2151

      FIRST Management consults in Food Innovation Research Science Technology Management:

      • Food safety risk assessment and management
      • Australian and international regulation
      • Innovation management
      • Research program design and management
      • International standards, and trade
      • Quality and laboratory systems

      Irma de Bree - MAIFST
      Solutions in Food Pty Ltd
      03 8787 7750
      12 Insight Circuit Carrum Downs VIC 3201 

      …….Ideation to Commercialisation

      Solutions in Food is a company that specialises in product development and enables commercialisation of new concepts.  Established in 2005, the company has successfully facilitated hundreds of product launches including “The Beverage of the Year” in the 2018 Food & Beverage Industry Awards.

      The Principal consultant (Irma de Bree) has over 30 years of experience in FMCG, Dairy and Grocery, Confectionary and Beverages. Other team members have expertise in complementary sectors such as flavour and seasonings development, jam and sauce manufacturing. The unique combination of product development, food science and management experience has equipped Solutions in Food with strong broad-ranging skills and network.

      Core Services offered include:

        • Product Development & Bench Scale Concepts
        • Reverse Engineering
        • Sourcing Commercial Ingredients
        • Product Costs
        • Scale up factory trials
        • Label data and Compliance
        • Technical Support and Advice
        • Cost reduction
        • Troubleshooting

      Product Categories include

        • Retailer Private Label ( Coles, WW, Aldi, Independents)
        • Beverages ( Still, Carbonated, Juice, Plant Milks, Sugar Free)
        • Salad dressings ( One or two-phase, healthier )
        • Mayonnaise ( Premium, foodservice, free from)
        • Sauces ( Traditional, Sugar Free, Allergen Free, Industrial and Foodservice)
        • Cake & Cookie Mixes ( Traditional, allergy free, reduced sugar, retail and foodservice)
        • Snack foods ( Muesli bars, health mixes, seasonings for extruded snacks and chips)
        • Sports foods (Protein shakes, Workout blend, Vegan and Dairy-Based)
        • Shelf-Stable and Perishable Goods

      Free no-obligation initial consultation

      Jacinta Sexton
      J.A.Y. Food Consulting
      +61 408 982 370
      Brisbane, QLD

      J.A.Y. Food Consulting provides specialist food technology and food safety advice for your business to meet your needs for food safety, certification, food compliance, and product development.

      With a strong focus on technical application, JAY Food Consulting brings a wealth of knowledge of the food industry with over the last 27 years having worked as a Food Technologist in technical management roles responsible for product development, and quality and food safety as well as a workplace trainer and consultant.

      We offer a range of services to the food industry, across Australia in the following areas:

        • HACCP food safety program development and implementation
        • Food Safety program improvements to all food safety standards (SQF, ISO22000, BRC, WQA etc).
        • Prepare for external audits
        • Internal auditing – qualified food safety auditor
        • Process improvements
        • Labelling compliance reviews for both domestic and imported foods
        • Shelf life evaluations
        • Product development – recipe development, formulation improvement, process development, packaging development
        • Qualified trainer
        • Other consulting advice
        • Working extensively with small to medium enterprises and start-up entrepreneurs from a broad range of food industries

      Jackie Liberman

      Compliance Team Manager

      Jackie manages FoodLegal’s highly skilled Compliance Team. She has extensive experience in Product Development, Quality and Regulatory Compliance, assisting companies on a global scale.

      (03) 9606 0022
      Level 6/313 La Trobe St, Melbourne VIC 3000

      FoodLegal specialises in providing solutions and advice in relation to regulatory issues surrounding the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code, Australian Consumer Law as well as advice in relation to product development and food marketing compliance.

      We offer a range of services including:

      • Legal & Strategic Consulting
      • Label & Recipe Assessment
      • Compliance Tools for Quality Assurance and New Product Development
      • Training Courses

      Our team of lawyers & food technologists understand the commercial and practical context underpinning the needs and decisions of food companies.

      This enables us to provide relevant practical and highly commercial advice.

      Jemma O'Hanlon

      Dietitian and Nutritionist, Consultant and presenter.


      As an Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian (AdvAPD) Jemma has the unique skillset of balancing commercial thinking and with evidence based outcomes.

      Former Vice President of Dietitians Australia, Jemma is an experienced director and Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD).

      Whether it’s presenting an inspiring session to your employees, delivering strategic programs, advocating for important issues or presenting live on national television, Jemma is your go-to health and nutrition expert.

      Jemma’s approach to business relationships centres on trust, shared values, good communication and an authentic connection to the purpose.


      + Keynote Presentations
      + Corporate Wellness
      + Healthcare Professional Engagement
      + Media Spokesperson
      + Brand Ambassador
      + Advocacy
      + Cooking Demonstrations
      + Recipe Development
      + Food Photography
      + Nutrition Analysis
      + Menu Reviews
      + Nutrition Claims
      + Product Reviews
      + Nutrition Writing
      + Social Media

      Based in Victoria, Jemma works with clients around Australia. 

      Jenny Awad


      Jenny leads the Consulting Team and provides risk assessments, strategic advice and practical recommendations relating to regulatory compliance, new product development, marketing, and crisis management.

      (03) 9606 0022
      Level 6/313 La Trobe St, Melbourne VIC 3000

      FoodLegal specialises in providing solutions and advice in relation to regulatory issues surrounding the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code, Australian Consumer Law as well as advice in relation to product development and food marketing compliance.

      We offer a range of services including:

      • Legal & Strategic Consulting
      • Label & Recipe Assessment
      • Compliance Tools for Quality Assurance and New Product Development
      • Training Courses

      Our team of lawyers & food technologists understand the commercial and practical context underpinning the needs and decisions of food companies.

      This enables us to provide relevant practical and highly commercial advice.

      Jim Moshovelis
      Scientific & Regulation Solutions
      +61 406 948 498
      Sydney, Australia

      Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Consultants.

      A Scientific & Regulatory consulting firm specialising in the food, beverage & pharmaceutical industries, we help organisations be competitive by finding solutions to their regulatory & scientific needs.

        • Expert advice on Regulatory Policy & Strategy
        • Health & Nutrition Claims
        • Regulatory submissions
        • Representation / Liaison with Government Authorities
        • Stakeholder engagement
        • Formulation & Label Reviews / Advice
        • Country of Origin Advice
        • Therapeutic Goods – Food Interface.

      John Thisgaard


      (03) 9606 0022
      Level 6/313 La Trobe St, Melbourne VIC 3000

      FoodLegal specialises in providing solutions and advice in relation to regulatory issues surrounding the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code, Australian Consumer Law as well as advice in relation to product development and food marketing compliance.

      We offer a range of services including:

      • Legal & Strategic Consulting
      • Label & Recipe Assessment
      • Compliance Tools for Quality Assurance and New Product Development
      • Training Courses

      Our team of lawyers & food technologists understand the commercial and practical context underpinning the needs and decisions of food companies.

      This enables us to provide relevant practical and highly commercial advice.

      Kalpana Nimalaratne

      Anitech Pty Ltd

      Building 16
      270 Ferntree Gully Rd,
      Notting Hill VIC 3168

      Ph: 0452 553 511

      Anitech is a specialised Operational Risk Management consultancy with a strong focus on the food industry, bringing over 20 years of expertise in food safety and quality management. We provide tailored solutions aimed at improving food safety practices, ensuring compliance with industry standards, and assisting clients in achieving operational excellence. Our commitment is to deliver expert, targeted advice and on-demand services that help our clients meet their food safety objectives.

      1. HACCP Food Safety System Plan and Implementation: Tailored development and implementation of HACCP plans to meet regulatory requirements
      2. Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP): Assistance in establishing and maintaining GMP to ensure product quality and safety
      3. FSSC (ISO 22000 Certification Assistance): Support for achieving FSSC certification, aligning with global food safety management standards.
      4. Global Food Safety Initiatives (GFSI): Guidance in navigating GFSI certification processes.
      5. Food Safety Audits and Gap Analysis: Comprehensive auditing services to enhance food safety management systems.
      6. BRC and SQF Certifications: Support for obtaining and maintaining BRC and SQF certifications.
      7. Internal & Supplier Audits: Thorough audits to ensure compliance and process optimisation.
      8. Maintenance of Certification: Ongoing support to maintain food safety certifications and compliance.
      9. Process Automation: Implementing technologies to streamline food safety processes, enhancing efficiency and accuracy.
      10. SMETA/ SEDEX audits

      Kalpana, a confident and detail-oriented Food Safety and Quality Consultant with over 15 years of experience in food manufacturing, specializes in developing quality standards and procedures. As the Lead Consultant at Anitech, she is renowned for her expertise in food safety management systems and holds certifications in HACCP, SQF, and Internal Auditing. Kalpana excels at creating comprehensive food safety programs that meet stringent global standards, helping clients achieve and maintain regulatory compliance. Her approach combines strategic oversight with practical implementation, empowering food processors and manufacturers to enhance operational efficiency & safety protocols. 

      Kate Lewis

      Food Safety Culture Pty Ltd

      0410 492 697

      Unit 33 11-21 Underwood Rd Homebush NSW

      Food Safety Culture work with a broad range of food businesses across Australia providing auditing services and food safety system development. Our clients benefit from our specialist backgrounds in microbiology and quality assurance. We take a hands-on approach and pride ourselves on developing easy to manage systems that our clients can understand and take ownership of. We can assist with regulatory audits, HACCP, SQF and other GFSI standard implementation as well as determining shelf-life, labelling reviews and product specification development. We are passionate about food and food safety and love helping our clients achieve their goals.

      Kelly Joy

      Consulting Nutritionist

      0408 690 151

      Melbourne, VIC

      Food Regulatory Compliance
      Kelly offers food businesses expert advice to ensure regulatory compliance of food product labels, including:

      • Nutrition Information Panel
      • Allegen Declarations
      • Health Claims
      • Health Star Rating
      • Kilojoule Labelling
      • Country of Origin

      Projects and Research
      Kelly collaborates with agencies and universities on research and other technical projects. Services include:

      • Scientific Literature Reviews
      • Technical Assessments
      • Technical Report Writing
      • Science Communication

      Kerry Rogers 

      Kerry Rogers Consulting 

      0415 923745

      Corinda, Qld, 4075

      Kerry Rogers Consulting provides a range of services for new product development and technical consulting in the food and complementary medicine sector. With over twenty-five years of industry experience, Kerry has a proven track record of driving highly innovative, marketable and regulatory compliant formulas from concept to commercial reality.

      Product categories include food & beverages (multiple formats), sports, nutritional & novel foods and complementary medicines (Aust-L & Aust-LA).

      Technical services offered:

      • Product formulation, development & scale-up (new & existing products)
      • Production of bench scale concept samples
      • Innovation strategy, ideation & concept development
      • Product validation & shelf life
      • Ingredient assessment: functionality, sourcing & substitution
      • Ingredient compliance: permissibility, dose, regulatory category
      • Food labels & compliance (allergens, nutritional panels, healthy star)
      • Technical support & regulatory advice
      • Systematic reviews for nutrition & health claim substantiation (foods)
      • Claims research & substantiation (evidence) & safety dossiers (listed medicines)
      • Technical data & specification preparation
      • Technical research, documentation & writing
      • Scientific research & science project management
      • Training & mentoring
      • Project management & new product development system design & implementation

      Based in Brisbane and operating Australia wide book your free no obligation initial consultation today.

      Kieran Fox

      Quality Partners

      +61 419 747 835

      11 Francis Street


      NSW 2040

      Quality Partner’s Management System Consultancy Team provide the following services:

      • Quality
      • Food safety
      • Regulatory Compliance
      • Corporate social responsibility
      • WHS Environment
      • Project management

      We assist small and medium companies to design, develop, manage and audit the above systems with customers ranging from Australia, The Pacific, Asia and the Middle East.

      Our Food Industry services include:

      • GFSI System Design and Management (SQF/BRC/FSSC 22000/Global Gap/Harps etc…)

      ISO 22000 System Design & Management

      • HACCP / Food Safety Systems Design, Management & Certification

      • Internal and Second Party Audits – Domestic & International

      • Supplier and Contract Management Portfolio Management

      • We are a proud Bizcaps PIF V6 Portal Partner

      • Artwork and Labelling Review

      • Food Standards Code Compliance

      • Product Development

      • Import and Export Management

      • Food Fraud & Food Defence

      • Insurance and Non-Conformance Investigations

      • Work Instructions / Face to Face Training / Video Production

      • X-Ray Inspection Services

      • Recall / Withdrawal / Crisis Management

      Thanks to our talented team and wide range of capabilities Quality Partners is your one stop shop for all your food safety, management systems and compliance requirements.  

      Please contact us for a free and cost-effective quote

      Melanie Naylor


      0411 161 006

      Wakerley, Brisbane, QLD

      diligence. is a formally recognized leader in food safety training and support, endorsed by The Allergen Bureau and BRCGS. We offer a comprehensive suite of services, including virtual, public, and in-house training, certification audits,  legal and technical support to both small family-run operations and large multinational corporations.

      With over 100 years of combined experience in national and international technical roles, our team excels across a wide array of sectors, including primary produce, poultry, meat, eggs, seafood, and high-risk food processing environments like aged care and hospitals. Our expertise is underpinned by postgraduate qualifications in food science, nutrition, microbiology, and law, ensuring that we provide high quality support tailored to your specific needs.

      At diligence., we value not only technical expertise but also exceptional interpersonal skills, fostering long-term relationships with clients—many of whom have partnered with us for over a decade. Our current expertise spans multiple standards including ISO9001, Codex HACCP, FSSC22000, BRC Global Standards, Food Safety, Storage and Distribution, Agents and Brokers and Packaging, Feedsafe, Selected 2nd party and retail assessment programs (Coles CFMSR, Woolworths SEP, ALDI, Subway, Costco, Spotless and McDonalds) among others.
      Our key services include:
      Label development and PEAL compliance
      Product development technical support
      Food safety and quality system upgrades
      Internal and external audits
      Technical and legal guidance
      Insurance risk assessments
      Public and tailored training programs
      We deliver training through Virtual Classrooms and face-to-face sessions, ensuring flexibility and customization for your business needs.

      Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation or quotation. Let diligence. support your journey to food safety excellence!

      Melissa Barclay

      Melissa Barclay Food Consulting

      0424 977 788

      Toorak Gardens SA 5065

      Melissa Barclay Food Consulting offers a range of services related to developing, and implementing food safety programs, regulatory compliance, and the commercialisation of products.

      With nearly thirty years of experience in the food industry, I have an unwavering commitment to food quality and food safety, coupled with a proven history of achieving measurable outcomes and driving success.

      I offer technical assistance in the following areas:

      Food Safety and Compliance

      • HACCP and Food Safety Management systems
      • Good Manufacturing Practices
      • Crisis Management and Food Recall
      • Food Defence, and Food Fraud
      • Risk Management
      • Allergen Management
      • Complaints Management
      • Approved Supplier Programs and Supplier Audits
      • Internal audits and gap audits pre-certification (HACCP, ISO22000, SQF)
      • Validation and verification
      • Food safety culture
      • Root cause analysis of food safety and quality issues
      • Continuous improvement
      • Food legislation and compliance, and review of food labels

      Product Innovation and Commercialisation

      • Development and implementation of NPD systems and processes
      • Project scope and concept development, assistance with briefs and project timelines
      • Risk management – ingredient selection, shelf life, preservation, and food safety hurdles
      • Support with production trials, scale-up, and process optimisation
      • Basic sensory analysis and consumer acceptance testing
      • Development of finished product specifications, and the generation of food labels
      • Existing product, process, and cost optimisation
      • Regulatory and legislation compliance

      Natasha Bowe

      QMS Audits Pty Ltd

      QMS Audits Training Pty Ltd

      1300 404 505

      123 Gardenvale Road GARDENVALE  VIC  3185

      QMS Audits is one of Australia’s largest food safety and quality consulting, auditing and training providers.

      We are a leading provider of HACCP based food safety and training, this includes;

        • HACCP Principles and Applications
        • HACCP Refresher – 2 hour or 1 day
        • HACCP Refresher for Produce – 2 hours
        • Food Safety Culture
        • Internal Auditor Training, Food Safety – 2 days
        • Lead Auditor Training, Food Safety – 5 days
        • Freshcare Training
        • SQF Edition 9 – as an SQFI trainer
        • BRC Training – launch scheduled for mid 2021
        • Food Microbiology Training – 2 day
        • HACCP Extensions
        • Crisis Management Training
        • Food Fraud and Food Defence training

      We are a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), recognised by Australian Federal Governments regulatory body ASQA. We have more than 27 units of competency on scope including Diploma of Food Safety Auditing and Diploma of Quality Auditing.We offer a range of in-house classroom and online interactive formats.Our training has been accredited by Exemplar Global, SQFI, Freshcare, BRC (awaiting launch mid 2021)

      Food Safety Auditing: At QMS Audit we have a large team both directly employed and contract food safety and quality auditors.All of our auditors are Exemplar Global recognised. Many of our auditors are recognized by Department of Health in each state.We have auditors based in every state in Australia. Canberra is serviced out of Victoria or NSW, NT is serviced out of Adelaide.

      Consulting: As part of both our HACCP Certification Program and GFSI consulting program, we assist businesses to write up HACCP Plan and Quality Manuals and general preparation for a GFSI audit, such as SQF, BRC or ISO22000.

      Neil Scrimgeour

      Australian Wine Research Institute

      08 8313 0892

      AWRI Commercial Services offers a wide range of services to food and beverage producers and suppliers on a fee-for-service basis. This includes:

        • Multi-purpose analytical laboratory
        • State-of-the-art trace analysis laboratory
        • Technical consulting and project management
        • Sensory evaluation services

      Our NATA-accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratories provide a wide range of advanced analyses, as well as exportation certificate testing, fault and taint diagnosis, allergen testing and microbiological analysis.

      Our trace analysis laboratory provides high value, high utility analytical services measuring compounds present at extremely low (below sensory threshold) concentrations, including agrochemical testing, identification and quantification of agricultural toxins and analysis of aroma, flavour and taint compounds.

      We also have a team of experienced process engineers, microbiologists and chemists skilled at developing customised solutions for a range of technical challenges. The consulting services include Lean and continuous improvement auditing,  proof of performance trials, packaging evaluation and auditing and environmental footprint assessments.

      Our sensory services are delivered through a panel of highly trained expert tasters, using state-of-the-art facilities. We offer detailed quantitative descriptive analysis, as well as difference testing and consumer preference assessments.

      Neil Smith - MAIFST
      Putting The Pieces Together
      +61 418 552 296
      65 Lexton Dr, Langwarrin VIC 3910

      Food Regulatory Affairs. Compliance with Food Standards and related regulations.

      Over 40 years’ experience in a number of disciplines including scientific & regulatory affairs, quality assurance, production and product development applications.

      Ola Aly

      Elite Food Solutions

      Berala NSW 2141

      Ph: 0420 808 838

      Elite Food Solutions stands as your reliable and qualified consultants specializing in Quality & Food Safety Systems, Process Improvement, and Customized Training Services.
      We collaborate with a diverse clientele, including small and medium-sized enterprises, multinational corporations, food service providers, warehousing facilities, and quick-service restaurants. Our capabilities extend to addressing your daily operational requirements and supporting your business initiatives.
      Our services span across various sectors, offering valuable expertise and assistance to meet your specific needs.
      We can assist you with:
      - HACCP Implementation: Assist clients in developing, implementing, and maintaining Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) plans to identify and control food safety hazards.
      - Import and export logistics and procedures.
      - Food Safety Program Development: Create and customize comprehensive food safety programs, policies, procedures, and documentation tailored to the specific needs of clients to align with regulatory and GFSI/vendor standards, including BRC, SQF, FSSC22000, ISO22000, ISO9001, Woolworths Supplier Excellence Standard, Primary Connect, Endeavour Drinks Group Quality Standard, Costco, Metcash, Egg Standard, Pet Food Standard and the Australasian Bottled Water Association (ABWI).
      - Customized training programs to meet your specific business needs, including accredited courses and tailored on-site training.
      - Expert technical consulting services available for various needs, such as allergen management, TACCP, VACCP (Vulnerability Assessment Critical Control Point), recall procedures, Crisis Management Procedure, labeling compliance, and process control measures.
      - Supplier Audits: Conduct supplier audits to ensure that ingredient suppliers meet quality and safety standards and assess their impact on the safety of clients' products.
      - Labeling and Packaging Compliance: Ensure that clients' food labels and packaging meet Australian regulatory requirements, including accurate ingredient listings, allergen declarations, and nutrition labeling.
      - Establishing a halal-compliant system and providing training on it.

      Paula Durham

      Complete Product Development

      0408 007 250

      Ashburton, Victoria 3147

      Complete Product Development (CPD) specialises in comprehensive product development from conception through to commercialisation, this is underpinned with a solid food science, regulatory and food safety knowledge and over 30 years Food Industry experience. With expertise across approximately 20 FMCG categories covering chilled, frozen and ambient, CPD offers a suite of technical services tailored to client needs.

      CPD’s principal, Paula Durham, has developed hundreds of successful and innovative foods for global brands and private label products for retailers such as 7-Eleven, Coles Myer, and Loblaws.
      With a holistic approach, Paula integrates insights and experience from both manufacturing and retail sectors, aiding the navigation of supplier-retailer dynamics and identification of suitable manufacturing partners ensuring successful product launches.
      Recognising that each client possesses knowledge specific to their products and industry, CPD provides value-added services to enhance existing capabilities and fill any gaps as required. In essence, CPD delivers the services you need, precisely when you need them.

      Services Include:
      • Product Development (NPD, EPD & Prototype creation)
      • Commercial Scale-Up
      • Regulatory & Labelling Compliance
      • Shelf-Life Evaluation & Advice
      • Specification Creation & Reviews
      • Formula Optimisation & Ingredient Substitution
      • Nutritional Calculation & Nutrient Optimisation
      • Market Reviews & Benchmarking
      • Artwork Reviews
      • Technical Advice & Troubleshooting
      • Sensory Evaluation & Taste Panels
      • Margin Optimisation

      Categories Include:
      • Sweet Bakery (Cookies, Muffins, Cakes)
      • Savoury Snacks (Potato / Corn Chips, Nut Mixes & Biscuits)
      • Healthier Snacking (Muesli Bars, Protein Bars, Balls & Bites)
      • Pastry (Frozen & Hot Hold RTE Pies & Sausage Rolls)
      • Fresh Sandwiches & Wraps
      • Meals (Fresh & Frozen)
      • Cheese & Deli Snacking
      • Functional Dietary & Formulated Supplementary Foods

      • Sauces & Marinades
      • Foodservice (Bake In Store, Chilled & Hot Hold)
      • Free From ‘x’ (Various)

      Pilar Oyarzun

      Great Food Creations Pty Ltd

      +61 451 838 272 

      2 Carbery Place, Heathmont,VIC 3135 

      At Great Food Creations, we get it done. We’re food technologists: we mix food science & technology with a passion for your product, taking it from concept to market.

      We value sharing knowledge. We want you to walk away with more than just a great food product: we want you to know about this food industry we are all part of.


      Our Director, Pilar Oyarzun, has been applying her Food Science and Technology expertise since 2010 by assisting stakeholders in utilizing her technical knowledge in sensory evaluation, colour & flavours, food ingredients and several food technologies, placing a diverse range of food and beverage products into the marketplace in Australia and Latin America.


      We walk you through advanced recipe options, food regulations, testing, packaging and more. We can support with:

        • Food product development (for new and existing products)
        • Food preservation selection 
        • Shelf-Life assessment
        • Creation or transformation of alternative formulations
        • Process development (new and current products)
        • Labelling creation & review
        • Test and equipment selection 
        • Technical advice & compliance

      We can make a complicated food technology process stress-free. Visit us at to find out more.

      Roslyn Anderson

       Tastebuddies Food Labelling

      +61 401 164 120

      PO Box 358, Dulwich Hill NSW  2203

      Tastebuddies Food Labelling consultancy specialising in food label compliance with the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (FSANZ).

      Roslyn is a regulatory affairs specialist with a background working as product developer, food technologist, corporate nutritionist, and food regulatory compliance to FMCG, QSR and supermarket retailers both in Australia, EU and UK.

      I consult to small to medium food businesses:

        • Food label compliance of local and imported products
        • Review & sign off food label artwork
        • Nutrition panel analysis
        • Nutrition & health claims
        • Nutrient profiling and benchmarking
        • Strategic nutrition advice for new product development
        • Health Star Ratings
        • Ingredient assessment
        • Allergens and Plain English Allergen Labelling
        • Product specifications using AFGC PIF, Merlin, Hamilton Grant or PMLS product specification software Food regulatory affairs & FSANZ compliance
        • Food Labelling on-line training
        • Foodworks on-line training

      Simon Brooke-Taylor - Bsc (Hons) PhD MBrew MAIFST
      Brooke-Taylor & Co. Pty Ltd
      +61 411 156 773
      216 Whorouly-Bobinawarrah Rd, Milawa VIC 3678

      With over 35 years’ experience in the Food & Beverage Industry and Government, providing the expertise you need when you need it, in:

        • Food regulatory policy and Risk Analysis
        • Complying with the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code and other relevant regulations
        • Preparing and submitting applications to amend the ANZ Food Standards Code
        • Food ingredient safety & toxicology
        • Novel foods, food additives & processing aids
        • Food allergen risk assessment and labelling
        • Food labelling and claims
        • Standard 1.2.7 health claim compliance & substantiation
        • Advice on new product development and labelling
        • Compliance review of composition and labelling of imported food
        • Requirements for imported foods, including import permit application
        • International Food Standards and Codex.

      Stewart Eddie


      +61 481 704 323

      Newtown, QLD 4350

      Established in 2021, ASKAFOODTECH PTY LTD is a food technology consulting company providing specialist advice to food producers with an ambition to grow.

      Based in Toowoomba, we will work with businesses across Australia looking for assistance with a suite of professional product development, allergen management and food labelling services. 

      Tiffany Beer - MAIFST
      Integrated Food Solutions
      +61 413 809 963
      P.O. Box 6013, Lakemba NSW 2195 

      Development and implementation of food safety programs including: 

        • HACCP
        • SQF
        • BRC
        • FSSC 22000
        • Woolworths Excellence 
        • Export Dairy and Meat
        • Internal audits and external audit preparation 
        • Provision of technical and regulatory services including product composition and labelling.

      Tom Debney - FAIFST
      FAPIC Pty Ltd
      +61 417 568 423
      P.O. Box 343, Vermont VIC 3133

      FAPIC develops and optimises product offerings for clients so identifying the products meet consumer needs. We use the 8P approach to examine all the criteria and parameters in a product launch. Within this we examine end to end processes and optimise the product for manufacturing efficiency, safety, people, pack, waste and ensure the processes will deliver the required outcome. FAPIC has extensive experience in developing and bringing product to market and has worked widely to assist new entrants (Large and small) to get past the "Valley of death" as scale up from kitchen into manufacturing takes place. FAPIC has experience in identifying equipment, plant size and configuration, optimisation of ingredients, labels, nutrition and packaging as well as with distribution models and potential markets.

      Trina Tromp - MAIFST
      Correct Food Systems
      1300 730 611
      Suite 203/410 Elizabeth St, Surry Hills NSW 2010

      Your partner in Food Safety Compliance: Professional, Responsive, Specialist, Cost effective.

      Correct Food Systems provides food safety technical advice to help your business meet its food compliance, certification and business development requirements.

      Respected and well established, with a cost-effective, practical approach, our national team of food safety professionals will work with you, on your operational business requirements.

      As one of Australia's leading independent food safety consultancy businesses, we offer a range of food technology and food auditing services, to all sectors of the agri-food industry, across Australia. 

        • HACCP food safety plans and certification
        • Import and export arrangements
        • Development and updates to Food Safety and Quality Management systems to meet regulatory and GFSI/vendor standards, for example, SQF, ISO22000, Metcash, Australasian Bottled Water Association (ABWI).
        • Labelling reviews
        • Training to suit your business needs. RTO accredited courses and tailor-made on-site training
        • Specialist technical consultancy advice as you require; allergen management, VACCP, recall, labelling, process controls etc.

      Vicki Williams- FAIFST

      Travelling Foodologist

      0488 774 259

      Vicki is a freelance Food Technologist Consultant and a passionate foodie with over 35 years global experience in the food industry. 

      Vicki has a proven track record in food and beverage product development, process development and innovation and has successfully launched around 600 new products. 

      Vicki provides comprehensive assistance to her clients from large multinationals to small start ups in areas such as, but not limited to: 

        • Product and process development of a wide variety of product types, preservation systems and packaging formats from ideas to commercialisation
        • Culinary development 
        • Product and process commissioning and optimisation 
        • Contract manufacturing sourcing, selection and product implementation at their manufacturing facilities
        • Project management 
        • Business management 
        • Business value improvements 
        • Food import permit (BICON) and product certification applications e.g. Vegan Australia, Halal
        • Sourcing of materials, assessment and application 
        • Shelf life determination and extension 
        • Food labelling generation and verification 

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