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Webinar: International Women and Girls in Science

  • 11 Feb 2025
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Via Zoom


  • Free

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Webinar: International Women and Girls in Science

Join our speakers Francis Warnock, Jayashree Arcott, and Michelle Colgrave as they give us an insightful look into their roles from a humanitarian view.

Francis Warnock

Empowering women and girls in developing economies to be agents of change through producing safe and nutritious foods for better health

Frances Warnock has worked in the international development field as a technical consultant and project manager for 20 years, focusing on food safety and nutrition capacity building in low-middle income countries of Asia Pacific. Her greatest strength comes from lived experience working on the ground in challenging environments for UN agencies FAO, WHO and WFP. She has completed field assignments in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, Philippines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Vietnam and (remotely) Sri Lanka since 2005. Frances was appointed Adjunct Fellow UNSW School of Chemical Engineering with Food and Health Group in February 2024.

Dr Jayashree Arcot

The opportunities that exist for girls and women in science to pursue higher education and employment in unconventional areas of Food Science and Technology/Nutrition and the potential to make an impact on communities.

Prof. Jayashree Arcot is a passionate food and nutrition scientist with over 35 years of experience in both teaching and research at tertiary level. She has always aimed to take her laboratory research into the field to make an impact on different communities contributing to policies in the field of food and nutrition.

Professor Michelle Colgrave

Women and girls across the food system - snapshots from science to spin-outs

Professor Michelle Colgrave is the Deputy Director (Food) in CSIRO Agriculture and Food. Based at the Queensland Bioscience Precinct in Brisbane, Australia, Prof Colgrave is also chief investigator on the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Innovations in Peptide and Protein Science. Her scientific background is the application of proteomics, the study of proteins using mass spectrometry, to agriculture and food science to the benefit of human health - with a special focus on proteins involved in food intolerance and allergy as well as bioactive proteins that bring specific health benefits.


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