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Food Safety, Food Fraud & Approved Supplier Assessment Webinar

  • 31 May 2023
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Via Zoom


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All food processors need to/should be, undertaken a number of risk reviews at least annually including: HACCP (process controls), raw materials (food safety & allergens) & food fraud + approved suppliers. To be able to do this you need to understand different risk assessment methods along with to keeping up to date with issues all over the world to ensure you are aware of changes to the whole of supply chain.

When you see a trend in your supply chain, you need to ask more questions: crop failures, price changes, substitutions…

What information do your suppliers give you? Do you know what information you should be asking for?

Presented by: Clare Winkel

Clare has worked in the food industry since 1987, from the meat processing floor up including at CSIRO, Queensland Dept Primary Industry, a private consultant and as an international food safety auditor & trainer. She has a B.Sc from QUT & a MBA from the Aust Maritime College. Clare has audited in 14 countries: in Europe, North America, the Caribbean, South Pacific & ANZ with experience across numerous sectors of the industry including: meat processing, seafood processing (including canning in Alaska), farming, fresh produce and the egg industry.                 

She has lived in 4 countries including in a one street fishing village in Ireland & spent 2 years working across the Torres Strait with the small island seafood processors.

Career Highlight:

Spent 6 hours on the Bering Sea in a crab trawler aka ‘Deadliest Catch” Crab boat and did not throw up.


2023 Finalist (top 4) for BRCGS Trainer of the Year (worldwide award).

2014 Finalist (top 3) for SQF Auditor of the Year.

2013- International Assoc. of Fish Inspectors: for Services to the International Seafood Industry.

2003- Queensland Government: “Highly Commended” in the Premiers Award in Public Sector Management-Partnerships and Reconciliation, for the Design and delivery of a series of practical training courses for the indigenous seafood processors across Torres Strait.

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