Food Safety - Raw & Risky
Joint AIFST and IFPA Webinar

Monday, 14th November 2022
1.00pm - 2.30pm AEDT (Sydney/Melb time)
This year’s theme Food Safety – Raw and Risky warns about the risk of eating raw or minimally cooked foods which can increase your chance of getting food poisoning and also parasite infections.
To celebrate the week, the Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology (AIFST) together with the International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA) will present an interactive conversation between panellists to address the theme of raw and risky foods.
Discussion topics will include:
- What does raw food and risky food really mean?
- What are the risks from these types of foods?
- How can we go about better educating consumers about the risks?
- How as an industry should we be labelling these products (when packaged)?
There will be plenty of time for questions from the audience.
Join the panel to grow, learn and connect.
Moderated by Deon Mahoney.

About the panel:
Jasmin Lacis-Lee is a specialist in food safety management within the Australian food industry. Jasmine has a Bachelor of Science, with more than 20 years’ experience as a food microbiologist and over 15 years’ working in the food & beverage industries. She holds professional memberships with the ASM (Australian Society of Microbiology), AIFST (Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology), and EHEDG (European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group).
She is the current President and Board Chair of the Allergen Bureau and Board Director since 2018. She is also proud to be the founding Co-chair for the Australian Regional division of the EHEDG.
Jasmine participated in the Allergen Bureau Risk Review Website working group and is the current Project Lead for the Allergen Bureau Agricultural Cross Contact working group. She is a member of the AOAC Gluten and Food Allergen Analysis working group and also participates in the AIFST Scientific & Technical Advisory Committee.
Jasmine joined BVAQ in 2015 and in her role regularly consults both Nationally and Internationally with large global food and beverage manufacturers, regulatory authorities, through to QSR and hospital food services, where she provides strategies for managing microbiological and allergen risks; provides support with equipment installation and validations; as well developing customised training covering microbiology, allergens and food safety risks. Jasmine is also responsible for delivering Allergen Bureau endorsed VITAL® training.

Elizabeth Frankish: is a food safety consultant with extensive experience in diagnostic microbiology and risk management for the food industry, including the horticulture, seafood, dairy, and meat sectors. With qualifications in agricultural science and experience in business and project management, she has delivered practical solutions to companies large and small to meet the challenges of microbial contamination, product development, monitoring programs, and training needs from a holistic perspective. She has helped develop numerous food safety guidelines for horticulture and continues to pursue her passion for prevention of food safety incidents through better understanding of the interactions between food systems and their microbial flora.

Gary Kennedy: has been working in food technology, food safety and all aspects of healthcare, food manufacturing and food service for nearly 40 years. He has undertaken work continuously for AIFST since 1986 and written many industry guidelines and codes of practice, including for smallgoods, hospitals, cold chain and the AIFST Blue Book.
He is a leading nationally qualified food safety auditor, qualified to audit many schemes in a array of product classifications and a qualified trainer. He is approved as a regulatory Food Safety Auditor in NSW, WA and Victoria.
Gary is a respected food safety specialist and is often approached by the media and legal firms to advise on food technology and food safety issues, including ABC Radio and Channel 10. Gary is a fellow of AIFST; and a life member of the Institute of Hospitality in HealthCare.

Craig Shadbolt: is the Principal Food Safety Scientist with the New South Wales Food Authority and Department of Primary Industries, Australia’s only through-chain food safety agency. Craig has been with the NSW Food Authority since 2004 and has over 15 years experience in ensuring that outbreaks of foodborne disease and other food hazards are managed effectively to prevent harm to human health and limit damage to the food industry. Prior to joining the Food Authority, Craig was employed in 2001 in a scientific advisory role with the Commonwealth Department of Health, Food Safety and Surveillance Unit. In this role Craig was responsible for advice and development of food policy and regulation, as well as involvement in the operation of OzFoodNet, Australia’s national surveillance system for detection and investigation of foodborne disease outbreaks. Craig has a BSc Hons (1998) and PhD in Food Microbiology (2004) from the University of Tasmania, specialising in survival and inactivation of E. coli under different environmental conditions.

Julian Cox: has extensive and award-winning teaching experience in food microbiology, quality assurance, rapid methods, and graduate attributes. His research activities focus on food microbiology and food safety, including rapid methods for the detection and characterisation of microorganisms associated with foods, the biology, ecology and management of foodborne pathogens and food safety systems and culture. He is also involved in the development and application of technology, especially computers, in teaching, and study of higher education.