WA Food For Thought Workshop
A major food industry professional event to inform you on the latest developments in the food industry!
Six speakers, featuring inter-state and local experts representing the following industry sectors and disciplines: CSIRO, Government Regulator (FSANZ), Local Industry, Food Safety Specialist, Local Research and Development, Indigenous foods.
NOTE: this is a live face to face event event and will not be available virtually or recorded.
Dr Sandra Cuthbert,
Interim CEO, FSANZ
David Doepel,
Chair, Peel Development Commission
3: Food Waste
Speaker: Prof. Anas Ghadouani, Programme Chair of Environmental Engineering, UWA
4: Innovations in Food Science and Product Development
Prof. Michelle Colgrave,
Agriculture and Food, CSIRO
5: Indigenous Foods in WA – country, culture and culinary opportunity
Robert Dann
Business Owner, Bindam Mie, Traditional Custodian of Nyul Nyul lands.
6: Applications of Metabolic Phenotyping (‘fingerprinting’) for the Food Industry
Dr Ruey Leng Loo,
Australian National Phenome Centre, Murdoch University
Click here to view the flyer
Thank you to our event sponsors:
AIFST Members: $50.00
AIFST Student Members: $10.00
Non- Member Students: $25.00
Non-Members: $160.00
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