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Webinar - Microwave Assisted Thermal Sterilisation (MATS): Australia’s shelf-stable food manufacturing opportunity

  • 17 Aug 2021
  • 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Via Zoom


  • Free

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Webinar - MATS®: Australia’s shelf-stable food manufacturing opportunity

Tuesday August 17th, 2021, 9.00 – 10.30am (AEST)

Microwave Assisted Thermal Sterilisation (MATS) is an innovative food processing technology that delivers clean label, shelf-stable foods with high eating and nutritional quality (

Using microwaves to rapidly heat packaged food and drink, and then cold water to rapidly cool the cooked product, MATS processing commercially sterilises food while avoiding the traditionally long thermal exposure known to produce lower quality outputs.

MATS technology has evolved rapidly during the past few years and has now emerged as a new player on the food processing scene, with Tata SmartFoodz establishing a world first commercial production facility in Sri City, India, to “cater to moments of delicious indulgence” ( – all in a shelf-stable format

The Stable Food Group (; SFG) was established to identify, research and commercialise opportunities in stable and extended shelf-life foods and ingredients. After several years of patient learning and development, the SFG founders are convinced that Australia either must act now to capture the MATS opportunity or lose yet another initiative off-shore.

This presentation will provide you with a MATS primer, an introduction to SFG and an invitation to join with SFG and its research partners to seize this exciting opportunity and establish a world-first MATS co-manufacturing, product development and research facility in Australia.


Dr Tom Lewis, RDS Partners

Dr Tom Lewis (FAIFST) is an industry R&D facilitator with over 30 years’ experience working across the food industry’s commercial-research boundary. Projects of note include establishment of the Allergen Bureau and FermenTasmania. Through his company RDS Partners Tom facilitated the establishment of the Centre for Food Innovation, from which the Australian MATS opportunity sprang, and has been a key player in the MATS project since 2015. Tom understands the process and its potential, and is focussing his experience and strong collaborative ethos to bringing the Stable Food Group vision to reality.

Mike Locatis, Nexusist LLC

Mike Locatis is Managing Director of Nexusist LLC, a US-based consulting and venture development company with global reach through extensive partner networks. Mike is a veteran entrepreneur, has raised 10s of millions in VC and public research funding and has led several technology growth companies throughout his career. Mike is a co-founder and former CEO of 915 Labs, and provided the vision, strategy, funding, market development and management for MATS Commercialization, including research partnerships with Washington State University and the U.S. Department of Defense.  Mike’s leadership propelled MATS from pilot to production scale as he developed and guided 915 Labs’ commercialization partnerships with the Tata Group and Kraft MATS, resulting in the sale of 915 Labs to Tata in 2019. Before his involvement with MATS, Mike served two successive roles in the Obama Administration as Assistant Secretary U.S. Department of Homeland Security - responsible for national critical infrastructure protection - and as Chief Information Officer for the U.S. Department of Energy.

Dr Belinda Chapman, Quantal Bioscience

Dr Belinda Chapman is co-founder and Director of Quantal Bioscience, a private microbiology research company specialising in microbiologically safe and stable food process and product design and validation, fermentation and gut health, together with science engagement, education and industry training. Quantal Bioscience are collaborators in the recent establishment of a commercial co-manufacturing fermentation facility in Sydney. During her 25-year career Belinda has worked in microbiology research roles across industry and academia, including for Arnotts, Macquarie University with Burns Philp, The Sanitarium Health Food Company, the CSIRO and The Westmead Millennium Institute for Medical Research, as well as in R&D Tax for KPMG, and in course development for the University of Tasmania.


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