Food Recall Workshop - Online interactive webinar
Having policies and procedures in place for a food or beverage product recall is one thing, executing them is another.
AIFST is pleased to be hosting a comprehensive workshop to help you develop the skills necessary to implement a program to evaluate and test the recall policies and procedures in place in your business.
This workshop will help you to understand how even the simplest oversights can derail an otherwise sound procedure. You will learn to evaluate the who, what, where, when and why of recalls and how a properly handled recall not only effectively protects the consumer, but also allows for the public image of a company to improve.
Find out:
- How to maintain a recall plan that is relevant to your business
- That a mock recall is more than just a traceability exercise
- Whether you have the resources to manage a recall
- The common pitfalls of recall execution
- What to look for in a product recall insurance policy
The workshop will also feature a recall simulation exercise designed to challenge and provide opportunities to learn.
This workshop is suitable for food and beverage business owners, Managers, Food Safety and Quality Assurance Managers, Technical Managers, Food Recall Coordinators and Recall team members.
Fiona Fleming - AIFST
Fiona is Managing Director of the Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology (AIFST). She is an experienced Corporate and Regulatory Affairs professional who has been involved in leading and facilitating change and developing management strategies across a portfolio of food policy and regulatory matters in global FMCG and NGO environments.
Fiona has more than 30 years’ experience in the food industry in the areas of dairy, seafood, cereal-based foods, smallgoods, tea, simmer sauces and pastes, ingredients and infant formula.
Peter McGee - Victual
Victual are market leaders in the delivery of tailored risk management strategies for the unique risks faced by the food industry, and will lead the workshop team, which includes experts in product recall preparedness, public relations, policy and regulation, risk management and product recall insurance.
Peter has twenty years’ experience in the risk and insurance industries. He has multiple post-graduate qualifications that combine to provide a unique knowledge base of technical risk understanding complemented with commercial business acumen.
Andrew Brown, GS1 Australia (MBA)
Andrew is an expert in the management of product recalls and withdrawals. For the past seven years, Andrew has provided specialist advice for product safety professionals enabling them to plan and implement an efficient product recall management system.
He played a key role in the development and adoption of the GS1 Australia Recall portal, currently used by 700 Australian companies across the food, general merchandise and health industries.
AIFST Members: $95.00
Student/Graduate Members: $55.00
Non-Members: $160.00
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