AIFST Webinar: Food Safety culture- what actually works?
Date: Tues, 27th October
Time: 12.30pm (AEST)
Cost: Free for members; non-members - $20
Presenter: Clare Winkel, Executive Manager - Technical Solutions, Integrity Compliance Solutions
The GFSI standards now require food manufactures to develop a food safety culture action plan with measurable objectives. There are a lot of surveys and questionnaires to answer, analyse the findings with graphs to review. Is this a whole new thing that the overworked QA staff have to learn about, analyse and implement, then monitor and report on?
But what activities actually make a difference to the people working on the floor- who do not care about surveys or graphs?
This webinar will look at some practical actions that can be implemented using data that already exists within your workplace- some actions will be linked to reducing customer complaints, minimizing the risk of sabotage, allergen controls such as cleaning or line clearance and getting line staff to be part of the solution via root cause analysis and investigation techniques. Techniques that actually ensure that no risk is left behind in the room by sharing the risk and responsibility.
About Clare
Clare Winkel - B.App.Sc & MBA (Seafood Management)
Executive Manager- Technical Solutions
Integrity Compliance Solutions.
Clare has audited against GFSI standards in 14 countries along with 2nd party ethical audits in ANZ & USA, the scope of these standards included OHS, worker conditions/payment/visa status, environmental & animal welfare. She is a qualified SEDEX auditor.
Clare has developed training courses, standards/checklists for standards that covered food safety culture training for senior managers and line staff, worker conditions/payment, in Australia & Ireland. She will be presenting at the upcoming SQF conference on practical application of Food Safety Culture.