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Cheryl Hughes- FAIFST

Facts on Food

041 373 4774

PO Box 262, Wembley, WA 6913

Facts on Food is food technology business located in WA.  With over 25 years experience in food safety and food technology, Facts on Food provides food safety and technical advice and support across all areas of the agri-food and food service industries (including hospitals);

  • Development, implementation, update & management of food safety programs to meet industry and regulatory standards, eg SQF, BRC, ISO22000, Freshcare, HARPS, Vendor Standards (Woolworths, Aldi, Coles, etc)
  •  Export arrangement systems
  •  Labelling reviews
  • In-house training
  • Internal audits & external audit preparation
  • GMP audits
  • Provision of food safety & technical advice, eg allergen management, process validation, shelf life, recall, etc 
  • Contract Food Safety Auditor Exemplar #12336

Edward McCartney 

Food Safety Plus Pty Ltd

(08) 9305 0212

P.O Box 656, South Perth WA 6951

Food Safety Plus is a leading national food safety training, consulting and HACCP certification provider. We provide effective and practical food safety solutions to all sectors of the agrifood industry.

We offer excellent customer service and are:

1. Accredited.

Food Safety Plus is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO: 52439) and is certified to issue Exemplar Global Certificates of Attainment for food safety / HACCP, quality ISO 9001, and auditor training. This means internationally recognised, permanent, portable qualifications that can be used for life.

2. Service focussed.

We take into account your objectives and resources to provide innovative, cost-effective solutions. We specialise in on-site customised training and consultation to offer greater returns on your investment.

3. Understanding.

We are friendly and approachable. We listen. We work to develop an ongoing relationship with our clients, with services provided on an agreed schedule that best meets your needs.

4. Expertise.

Food Safety Plus provides the expert knowledge and experience to ensure your goals are efficiently and effectively achieved, and that your systems support your business.

Visit for information and assistance.

Jodie Koehler
SafeFood WA
+61 419 047 454
Perth, WA

SafeFood WA is a food safety consultancy business located in Perth, Western Australia. We can assist with a number of different services including but not limited to: writing and implementation of food safety systems, label reviews, GMP and GAP audits of your facility, internal audits and external audit preparation and attendance. SafeFood WA has extensive experience in the following food safety standards: Food Safety (HACCP), Safe Quality Food (SQF), Freshcare, Harmonised Australian Retailer Produce Scheme (HARPS), Egg Standard Australia (ESA), Aldi, Coles, Woolworths, Spotless, Costco & McDonalds.

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