Dr Helen FittonRDadvisor Topic: Marine magic. Overview of seaweed and extracts into food systems About: Dr J Helen Fitton is an expert in marine algal products with over 20 years experience. She consults to industry and is currently involved with projects in biomass production, bioactive extraction and high protein seaweed product development. Dr Fitton is on advisory boards for Seaweed First (EU), and the Blue economy CRC (Australia).Presentation Overview: The seaweed market is currently entering a new phase, with renewed world interest in the capacity of salt water cultivation and potential for remediation of nutrients and greenhouse gases. Seaweeds have long had a place as both food and as sources of gelling agents. This presentation will cover the current use of seaweeds in food and the potential for increasing production of functional ingredients and protein. |
Trevor LithgowCompany - Job Title Topic: coming soon About: Coming soon. Presentation Overview: Coming soon. |
NameCompany - Job Title Topic: coming soon About: Coming soon. Presentation Overview: Coming soon. |
NameCompany - Job Title Topic: coming soon About: Coming soon. Presentation Overview: Coming soon. |